Featured Call of the Month
Ronnie Turner
Rossville, TN
Ronnie Turner has been making calls since 2004 and will also be featured in the next edition of the CCAA newsletter. Most of his calls are made from wood in the Arkansas style. With influence from call makers Jim Stinson & Ty Black, he also began his call making journey with fellow call maker and hunting companion Brian Phillips. The call featured here is made from pre ban ivory and scrimshaw and carries the shape of his older calls. The scrimshaw & carving was done by Brad Samples of Fountain Inn, SC. Ronnie’s calls are rarely made to order as many are auctioned with the proceeds going to support charity.
President's Note
Hello CCAA Members,
I hope everyone had a great duck season? Mine was very good put lots of miles on the truck. It was well worth it. We started in October in North Dakota, finishing up in Texas and Arkansas. Now it’s time to get back to collecting some calls. We CCAA have our annual meeting coming up April 22-26. Also the Fancy Call contest and auction going on the same time. I would like to invite everyone to Lombard to join in on the fun, you won’t regret it. Also any makers wanting to get in touch bases with Ryan Doering. Hope to see you there..
CCAA president,
Chris Hare