Callmakers Name:_______________________________________________
Address:_____________________________________________________________ City:____________________________________________________ State:__________________ Zip Code:_____________ Phone #:_____________________________ E-mail address:___________________________________________________ I am a member of the CCAA (circle one) Yes No You must be a member of the CCAA to participate in the Working Duck Call Contest Divisions A, B, C & D Note! You may enter no more than 1 calls in Divisions B, C, or D and 2 calls in Division A. If you are entering Division E, you cannot enter into the other Divisions. Division A - Metal Reed Call # of Calls entered____________ X $15 = entry fee $______________ Division B - All Natural Wood Plastic Reed Call # of Calls entered____________ X $15 = entry fee $______________ Division C - Acrylic Call # of Calls entered____________ X $15 = entry fee $______________ Division D - Open Call # of Calls entered____________ X $15 = entry fee $______________
Division E - Amateur Open Call # of Calls entered____________ X $15 = entry fee $______________ Total Entry Fee $_____________ For mail in entries, please add money for return postage $_________________ Total Amount $_____________ Make checks payable to Callmakers & Collectors Association. Calls can be entered by mail by sending the calls, entry form, return postage, insurance and entry fee to: (please call or e-mail before you send calls) Ryan Doering - phone 763-807-2838 . E-mail Ryan at: Ryan must receive the calls by Monday Oct. 2, 2024. If you are bringing your calls to the contest, the location for entering the calls will be at the Callmakers & Collectors Association Call Contest, at the South Shores Resort on Reelfoot Lake, Samburg, TN. You must enter the calls from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m., Saturday, Oct. 12, 2024 All calls remain the property of the callmaker and can be reclaimed by presenting the call receipt, after 2 p.m. on Saturday, Oct 12, 2024. By signing this form, you affirm that the barrel, stopper & tone board of the calls that you have entered in this contest were hand turned & hand made by you. Signature:_____________________________________________Date_________________ 9/25/2024 ©2020 |